Best Red Light Therapy (Skin, Pain, Hair, Brain, Weight, Soft Tissue)
This article simplifies the process of buying red light therapy. I recommend a device based on the problem you’re trying to solve. I will also show you the best types of devices and the best brands in each category, as well as what’s good or needs work for each product.
Best Red Light Therapy for Skin
Red light therapy reduces the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and acne. It also lightens pigmentation, reduces wrinkle depth, and smoothes scars and stretch marks. Here are the best red light therapy devices for skin concerns.
Best red light therapy for wrinkles, lines, and age spots
Best Red Light Therapy for Pain Relief
Red light therapy can reduce pain by blocking the COX-2 enzyme, the same mechanism that relieves pain when taking NSAIDs like Ibuprofen. However, red light therapy has no side effects. It works for muscle, joint (arthritis), and nerve pain.
Best Red Light Therapy for Hair Growth
Red light therapy can re-grow hair in some types of baldness. Because there are hair loss patterns that don’t respond, it’s best to buy from a company that will help you decide if red light therapy is a good choice. Take pictures of your hair and scalp, and send them to HairMax for evaluation.
Best red light therapy for male and female hair growth.
Best Red Light Therapy for Dementia, Parkinson’s and Brain Injury
Red light therapy improves brain function by clearing amyloid plaque and switching the brain from inflammatory to non-inflammatory waste disposal. It also stimulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), creates new neural connections, and corrects the autophagy and mitophagy self-cleaning mechanisms.
The scientifically tested parameters to look for are 810 nm infrared pulsed at 10 Hz for brain injury and 40 Hz for dementia and Parkinson’s. Look for a headset or wrap that presses light against the scalp to avoid light loss.
Best Red Light Therapy for Weight Loss
Red light therapy is FDA-cleared as a fat-burning method. Years of experience show that the most successful users follow a simple protocol to burn belly fat:
- fast 2 hours before using the light
- use a vibration plate after your red light session
Best Red Light Therapy for Exercise and Muscle (Soft Tissue)
Red light therapy reduces and prevents the delayed onset muscle soreness from a hard resistance workout. It speeds the rate at which soft tissue injuries heal and improves strength during a workout.