Hairmax Red Light Therapy: Does It Really Work? (Yes)

HairMax has a good success rate with people with the right types of hair loss and the right skin types. Not everyone grows hair using light therapy. When it does work, it works well.
Wear the cap for half an hour, three days a week. That’s it! Hair regrows about 1/2 inch per month. There are 11 baldness patterns that do well with low-level light therapy (LLLT) to regrow hair, but there are several types of hair loss that do not do well.
- The principle of shining red light on hair follicles goes back to the 1960s.
- In human and mouse studies, the HairMax LaserComb increased hair growth rate and strength over controls.
- Make sure you have a receptive type of hair loss before buying any hair regrowth product.
Does HairMax Really Work?
HairMax devices use lasers to cast red light onto the scalp. At-home low-level light therapy (LLLT) wellness devices usually include LEDs rather than lasers. Scientific studies have shown that LEDs can accomplish most if not everything, lasers can achieve in LLLT. Some practitioners disagree and think lasers are better. Lasers can be faster because they are capable of outputting more power.
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(Human, LaserComb) A 2007 study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology tested the HairMax on 28 men and 7 women with androgenetic alopecia (AGA). The treated group had higher hair count and hair tensile strength at the six-month point. (Hair Regrowth and Increased Hair Tensile Strength Using the HairMax LaserComb for Low-Level Laser Therapy)
HairMax Regrows Hair on 11 Baldness Patterns
There are nine female and 12 male baldness patterns. The Ludwig-Savin Classification describes female hair. The Norwood Hamilton Classification describes male hair. HairMax products grow hair in four female hair loss types and seven male baldness types. For men, HairMax can work for Norwood levels IIa, III, IIIa, III-vertex, IV, IVa, and V.

For women, HairMax can work for hair loss types I-4, II-1, II-2, and Frontal.

HairMax is Tested on Lighter Skin
The Fitzpatrick Scale describes six skin types. HairMax has tested its laser hair growth devices on four out of the seven skin types. Studies show that lasers grow hair on white and brown-skinned people. Although HairMax has not published science on using its products on black skin, its website says that It has thousands of customers with dark skin who grow hair back with Its products.
(Retrospective, LaserComb) A 2014 retrospective office study found significant (eight subjects) or moderate (20 subjects) or no (four subjects) improvement after at least 3 months of 655 nm HairMax LaserComb treatment. (Use of low-level laser therapy as monotherapy or concomitant therapy for male and female androgenetic alopecia)
The company says that its device works on darker skin.
Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) Hair Growth Studies
A Hungarian researcher was studying tumor response to laser accidentally red light therapy hair growth. Since then, multiple studies have confirmed that light in the 650 nm (wavelength in nanometers) range could help hair grow thicker and stronger. HairMax and LLLT studies on mice and humans are below. These studies used the HairMax LaserComb.
(Rat, LaserComb) A 2013 study tested HairMax LaserComb treatments on rats with Chemotherapy-Induced Alopecia. The rats lost their hair. The group treated with LaserComb grew their hair back 5 days earlier than the untreated group. (Low-level laser treatment accelerated hair regrowth in a rat model of chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA))
How Long Does it Take to Grow Hair?

Using HairMax products for the proscribed time three days per week, users see hair growth between three and four months. You continue to use the device to keep your gains. It’s debated, but generally, hair stops progressing at 26 weeks. For many people, the gains reached at 26 weeks are the peak progress using HairMax products.
How Often Do You Use HairMax?
Use your HairMax three days per week, every other day. Do not use red light therapy more or less than instructed. Not only do you not grow hair faster with more treatments, but you can also quickly stop progress with too much light. Studies show that light therapy works when enough but not too much light cast on the target. If there is not enough light or too much light, hair does not grow.

What About Hair Growth Side Effects?

There are no reported side effects of using HairMax hair growth products. The lasers do not give off heat, so there is no chance of burning. Thousands of studies show that red light in hair growth products is safe. HairMax and light therapy, in general, are non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical, and painless.
(Human, LaserComb) A 2009 double-blind study in Clinical Drug Investigation use the HairMax LaserComb 655 nm red on half the 110 subjects over 26 weeks. The treated group had a higher mean terminal density at 26 weeks and subjects’ perceptions of hair growth were significant compared to controls. (HairMax LaserComb laser phototherapy device in the treatment of male androgenetic alopecia: A randomized, double-blind, sham device-controlled, multicentre trial)
Dampen the Hair Before Use
Use HairMax on damp but not wet hair. The lasers are most effective when the hair is towel-dried, damp, but no longer soaking. People often use hair growth lasers after washing and towel drying them.

FDA Cleared Red Light Therapy for Hair
HairMax LaserCombs do work to grow hair. The HairMax Company was the first to achieve FDA Cleared status with the FDA. Companies that came after HairMax could state that their products were substantially similar to HairMax products. However, before the FDA, HairMax had to prove to be a “novel” use. HairMax ran multiple tests on animals and humans to demonstrate the effectiveness of the hair growth lasers.
(Human, LLLT) A 2003 study in Dermatology Surgery tested the effect of low-level light therapy (LLLT) on androgenetic alopecia. The treatment device output 630 nm, 650 nm, and 660 nm red light. Treatments were 18 minutes every day. At 24 weeks, the treated group’s hair density and mean hair diameter was greater than the control group’s. (Efficacy and Safety of a Low-Level Light Therapy for Androgenetic Alopecia: A 24-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Self-Comparison, Sham Device-Controlled Trial)
How to Use the HairMax LaserComb
Allow the LaserComb teeth to reach the scalp. This is your starting spot. You hold the device on each spot for 4 seconds. After each four-second segment, move the LaserComb 1 inch to the next place you want to treat. It looks like a brush, but you do not “brush your hair.”
(Mouse, LaserComb) A 2012 study confirmed the safety and efficacy of the HairMax LaserComb in mice with induced alopecia areta (an autoimmune disease). The 655 nm red-treated group of six mice had more anagen hair follicles at six weeks than the control group of six mice. (Effects of the Lexington LaserComb on hair regrowth in the C3H/HeJ mouse model of alopecia areta)
- Remove the charging plug from the LaserComb handle.
- To start the laser, press the bottom and then the top button.
- Hold the LaserComb at your hairline.
- Start on your right side.
- Push the comb to your scalp so you feel the soft teeth.
- Hold the comb on your hairline.
- When the device beeps, move it one inch backward.
- Hold until the device beeps.
- Continue until you reach the middle back of your head.
- Repeat the process from the top of your head.
- Repeat the process on the left side of your head.
- Repeat the left, top, and right cycles two more times.
- Plug the comb in for recharging.
- Use the HairMax three times per week, no more, no less, exactly as instructed.
The Differences Between the HairMax LaserComb 9 and 12
- The HairMax 9 is a LaserComb with nine lasers and 11 minutes of treatment time; the HairMax 12 is a LaserComb with 12 lasers and 8 minutes of treatment time.
- The LaserComb 9 is the cheapest HairMax device you can buy. The more lasers a product has, the faster its treatment times and the more expensive it is.
- LaserComb 9 has the fewest lasers and the longest treatment time, and it is the cheapest device.
- LaserComb 12 is one level up from Laser 9. It has a few more lasers, a shorter treatment time, and a slightly higher cost.
- The LaserComb 12 has a 37.5% faster treatment time than the LaserComb 9 and costs approximately 45% more.
- You spend 11 minutes using the LaserComb 9, or 8 minutes using the LaserComb 12. The extra 3 minutes add up when your arm gets tired, which is why the LaserComb 12 is a good deal.
- The LaserComb is a handheld hair growth device that is not hands-free.
(Human, TOPHAT655) A 2013 study in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine tested 655 nm red delivered using both lasers and LEDs. The subjects had Fitzpatrick I-IV or Hamilton-Norwood IIa-V androgenic alopecia patterns. Treatments were every other day for 16 weeks for 60 treatments (67.3 J/cm^2 for 25 minutes). At 16 weeks, the treated groups had a 35% better hair regrowth count than the untreated group. (The growth of human scalp hair mediated by visible red light laser and LED sources in males)
The LaserBand is partially hands-free, and the LaserCap is hands-free.
The Differences Between the HairMax LaserBand 41 and 82
The HairMax 41 is a LaserBand with 41 lasers and 3 minutes of treatment time; the HairMax 82 is a LaserBand with 82 lasers and 90 seconds of treatment time. The LaserBand 82 has twice the lasers as the LaeserBand 41, but the LaserBand 82 price is only 45% higher than LaserBand 41. When you buy a LaserBand 82, you get 100% more lasers and a 50% reduction in treatment time, which costs 45% more than the LaserBand 41.

Each LaserBand treatment affects one-third of the head, so you do three treatments per daily session to apply red light therapy to the whole scalp. You can skip that third if you do not need therapy in an area. If you do all three, the actual time per day is 9 minutes for the LaserBand 41, and 4.5 minutes for the LaserBand 82. That’s one session times three areas.
The LaserBand is a toothed semi-circle on your head at the top, middle, or back. The teeth are similar to those you see in the LaserComb. To use the LaserBand, you place the device on your head so that the teeth part your hair and touch the scalp. Allow the device to treat your scalp for 3 minutes (LaserBand 41) or 1.5 minutes (LaserBand 82). After that section, you do the other two sections for 3 minutes each.
(Mouse, He-Ne) A 2010 study showed that He-Ne laser irradiation of 632.8 nm red grew hair in mice. Mice had normal or enhanced testosterone, and both groups showed similar hair growth. (Effect of helium-neon laser irradiation on hair follicle growth cycle of Swiss albino mice)
The Differences Between the HairMax PowerFlex Laser Cap 202 and 272
The HairMax PowerFlex 202 is a laser cap with 202 lasers and 15 or 30 minutes of treatment. The PowerFlex 272 is a laser cap with 272 lasers. Treatment time is 15 or 30 minutes. The PowerFlex 272 has 70 (35%) more lasers than the PowerFlex 202.

Why get a Laser Cap over a LaserBand or LaserComb?
- The LaserCap is hands-free, and the other devices require active participation for the entire treatment.
- The Laser Cap treatment time is longer, but you must use your hands during the session.
- The Laser Cap is a different experience than the LaserComb and LaserBand. The Laser Cap does not have teeth to part the hair. The interior is lined with a soft, clear silicone insert.
- The LaserComb treats a small portion of the head each pass, the LaserBand treats one-third of the head each pass, and the Laser Cap treats the entire head at once.
- The 15 or 30-minute treatment time reflects continuous or pulsing wave modes. In continuous mode, the lights shine for a 15-minute long treatment. In pulse mode, the lights pulse on and off for a 30-minute treatment. The lights pulse at 1 Hz (Hertz) or once per second. There is good evidence that pulsing works in light therapy; however, I am not sure that the pulsing advantage applies here. It might have an advantage I have not seen yet in the literature.
- The #272 has 35% more lasers than the #202, costing 12% more than the #20. HairMax does not claim that 35% more lasers speed up hair growth. The extra 70 lasers each session may stimulate the follicles to grow thicker hair. That would be the assumption.
(Human, LaserComb) A 2014 double-blind clinical trial involved 146 male and 188 female subjects with pattern loss. After the screening, 128 male and 141 female subjects received one of three LaserComb model treatments or a sham treatment. At 16 and 26 weeks, all LaserComb subjects’ terminal hair density increased significantly over sham treatment. (Efficacy and safety of a low-level laser device in the treatment of male and female pattern hair loss: a multicenter, randomized, sham device-controlled, double-blind study)
The Differences Between the HairMax Flip 80 and the PowerFlex Laser Caps
The HairMax Flip 80 is a cheaper way to get the hands-free benefits of the PowerFlex caps. The Flip 80 is lined with lasers on half of its interior. A session includes two treatments, one with the cap forward, and one with the cap flipped the opposite way. Each session is 15 minutes for a total treatment time of 30 minutes. The Flip 80 does not have a choice between continuous and pulsing that the laser caps have. Therefore, your choice is two 15-minute sessions with the Flip 80, compared to one 15-minute continuous wave session with the PowerFlex laser caps. The Flip 80 takes twice as long, but it is hands-free and significantly cheaper than the PowerFlex caps.
(Human, Super Lizer) A 2003 study used the Super Lizer on fifteen patients with alopecia areta with patchy hair loss. The treated group had 46.7% more hair growth at the 1.6-month mark. Superâ literature claims their product reaches deeper than lasers or LEDs. Therefore, it is not comparable in that regard. However, Super Lizerâ treats with red and infrared, so this study confirms that red and infrared were associated with hair regrowth in patients with patchy alopecia areta. (Linear polarized infrared irradiation using Super Lizer is an effective treatment for multiple-type alopecia areta)
How to Use the HairMax Flip Laser Cap
- Remove the charging cable.
- Press the button to turn the cap on.
- Put the cap on so the lights are in the front.
- Allow the cap to sit for 15 minutes.
- Reverse the cap so the lights are in the back for another 15 minutes.
- Plug the cap back into its charger.
- Repeat the process three times per week, every week, no more, no less.
How to Use the HairMax PowerFlex Laser Cap
- Unplug the battery controller from the wall.
- With the cap on your head and plugged into the controller battery back, press the bottom button on the controller.
- The lights will come on for a 15-minute timed session.
- When the session is done, take the cap off, and plug the battery pack into the wall to recharge.
- Do one 15-minute treatment per day, three days per week.
(Meta-analysis, LaserComb) A 2013 meta-analysis of hair loss studies recommended Minoxidil, Finasteride first, and HairMax LaserComb “in patients who do not respond to first-line modalities.” (Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hair loss) in the United States: what treatments should primary care providers recommend?)
Test HairMax Products
If you have dark skin or you are not sure of your “hair loss type,” then check with HairMax before buying a hair growth device. HairMax splits the risk of you wanting to return your device. If you do return a device within 6 months, you pay a 20% (LaserComb and LaserBand) or 25% (PowerFlex and Flip caps) fee, plus shipping and insurance. HairMax states they have a 93% success rate with customers who qualify for the treatment and follow the protocol. The chances of you wanting to return the device are small, so long as you take a few simple steps before you buy. Before purchasing the laser hair growth product from HairMax, ensure you have the type of hair loss that the devices are known to treat. If you have dark skin, or you are not sure of your “hair loss type,” then check with HairMax before buying a hair growth device.
(Systematic review, LaserComb) A 2017 systematic review of FDA-approved hair loss disorder treatments concluded that the HairMax LaserComb was one of only three FDA treatments approved by the FDA for androgenetic alopecia. (The effectiveness of treatments for androgenetic alopecia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2017)